
A safe and simple math evaluator for Python, built with rply.

Primary LanguagePython


A safe and simple math evaluator for Python, built with rply.
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Expr.py is a simple but safe math expression evaluator made for Python.
It can evaluate pretty advanced math concepts without crashing your computer.

Made using rply


  • Fully object oriented
  • Completely typed for intellisense
  • Protection against DoS attacks
  • Customizable and extendable
  • Follows order of operations
  • Floating point precision

Getting started

You should install expr.py using pip:

$ pip install -U expr.py

Here is a simple program to get started:

import expr

if __name__ == '__main__':
    expression = '6 + 5 * 2' 
    print(expr.evaluate(expression))  # 16

What does expr.py support?

Basic operations

The following operations are supported by expr.py:

  • + (addition)
  • - (subtraction)
  • * (multiplication)
  • / (division)
  • // (floor division)
  • % (modulo)
  • ^ (exponentation)
  • ! (factorial)


The most basic way of defining variables is by passing in the variables kwarg into the evaluator.

expr.evaluate('2x', variables={'x': 2})  # 4

You can also let the input define variables:

expr.evaluate('x = 5')
expr.evaluate('6 + x')  # 11

There are by default, 2 predefined constants. (pi and e)

Functions [WIP]

You can define functions through the builtins kwarg:

def f(x):
    return x + 1

expr.evaluate('f(5)', builtins={'f': f})  # 6

You can also define functions via input:

expr.evaluate('f(x) = 2x')
expr.evaluate('f(3)')  # 6

There are a few builtin functions:

  • sqrt
  • cbrt
  • log
  • log10
  • ln
  • rad
  • sin
  • cos
  • tan
  • asin
  • acos
  • atan


This concept is pretty simple, anything in parentheses will be evaluated before anything outside of them.

expr.evaluate('5 * 6 + 2')  # 32
expr.evaluate('5 * (6 + 2)')  # 40


You can create different states so that each can store their own variables and functions independently from others.

To do this, use expr.create_state:

state = expr.create_state()
print(state.evaluate('0.1 + 0.2'))  # 0.3 

Note: All parameters belong in create_state rather than in evaluate for states.

Again, variables and functions are independent from each other:

state1 = expr.create_state()
state1.evaluate('x = 1')

state2 = expr.create_state()
state2.evaluate('x')  # error (x is not defined)

state1.evaluate('x')  # 1



This update mainly brings bug fixes from v0.1.

What's new?

  • You can now pass in custom classes into Parser.evaluate
  • Constants are now precise to around 30 places.
  • New constants (phi, tau)
More precise builtin functions

v0.2 changes the way some builtin functions are processed for boosts on both performance and precision.

  • sqrt now uses Decimal.sqrt
  • log10 now uses Decimal.log10
  • ln now uses Decimal.ln
  • cbrt now uses input ** expr.one_third
  • sin now uses expr.sin
  • cos now uses expr.cos

Bug fixes

  • Fixed unary minus interfering with implicit multiplication.
    • in v0.1: 5-3 = -15
    • in v0.2: 5-3 = 2


  • Many functions now have positional-only arguments for slight performance boosts
    • This drops support for Python 3.7
  • Messages retrieved from ParsingError.friendly are now much more descriptive.


What's new?

  • Unary plus is now supported (E.g. +5)
  • Scientific notation is now supported (E.g. 4E-2)
    • To reduce conflics, 'E' must be captialized.
      This means that 2e9 would evaluate to 2 * e * 9, for example.
  • The cls kwarg is now supported in expr.evaluate

Bug fixes

  • Catch OverflowError in the expr.Overflow parsing error.
  • Fix invalid typings with Callable