ArchitectUI React Dashboard template is a free, open-source admin panel coded in React. It comes packed with a set of beautiful elements and components that can offer you a head start in developing your web application. It has a fully responsive layout, multiple color schemes for both Bootstrap elements and layout components. ArchitectUI React is powered by Bootstrap 4, Webpack and it uses create-react-app from Facebook Dev.
$ git clone
$ cd architectui-react-theme-free
$ yarn # install modules
$ yarn start # start in development mode
$ yarn build # build for production
- ArchitectUI React - product page
- ArchitectUI React - Live DEMO
- ArchitectUI React - the dashboard source code
- Open-Source Admin Dashboards - provided by AppSeed
- Admin Dashboards - Open-Source and Free, article published on
- Vue Dashboard - Open-Source and Free
- React Dashboards - Open-Source and Free
- Admin Dashboards - Open-Source and built with automation tools
ArchitectUI React Dashboard - provided by