SkateDate allows users to make friends and posts that are viewable only to friends, so that they may arrange private meetings. The app now features Google Maps API: Users can add markers on a map to show where they want to meet.
Users can register, log in, and log out.
The "Find Friends" page displays all users that are not already friends, have not been requested, and have not requested the current user's friendship. This page allows users to request friendship with those displayed users.
Friend requests can be displayed bidirectionally: friend requests from other users, and friend requests the user made which are still pending. Entries from both lists are removed when a requests is accepted.
Users can accept or deny friend requests, thus removing the requester and requestee from eachothers lists respectively.
Users can make posts which may only be viewed by friends. A post is editable and removable by its author.
Users can view all posts from all friends. On this page, users can choose to view all posts from an individual user or view a single post to access the ability to comment on that post.
Users can comment on friends' posts. Comments are editable by their authors. Comments are also removable by authors of the comment and authors of the posts the comments relate to.
NEW: Users can add markers to a map on their posts. These can be edited as well.