
Drawlines on a 4010 emulator with your z80

Primary LanguageC


Drawlines on a 4010 emulator with your z80

The code will build and produce a library "libplot.lib" that can be used to construct drawing programs on your CP/M machine. You will need z88dk.

There is a lib directory, do a make -i and ignore the errors. We only need a few of the routines in this library, just to lazy to figure out what is needed. use z88dk-z80asm -xlibmath.lib *.o to build a library.

I have built the test/box program with these libraries, and will push a new Makefile asap.

This code was converted from fortran to c. Thus it is pass by address and not by reference. I am it the process of 'c'iffing the code.


WRT license. I found the fortran source on bitsaver, there was no license there, email to tektronix was not replied to. I don't think they care about it anymore but, don't build a project on this code base.