How to install the sample kit on a web server:

  1. Copy PaytmKit folder in document root of your server (like /var/www/html)
  2. Open config_paytm.php file from the PaytmKit/lib folder and update the below constant values
    • PAYTM_MERCHANT_KEY – Can be downloaded from the Paytm portal. One time downloadable
    • PAYTM_MERCHANT_MID - MID (Merchant ID) can be collected from Paytm team
    • PAYTM_MERCHANT_WEBSITE - Website name can be collected from Paytm team
  3. PaytmKit folder is having following files:
    • TxnTest.php – Testing transaction through Paytm gateway.
    • pgRedirect.php – This file has the logic of checksum generation and passing all required parameters to Paytm PG.
    • pgResponse.php – This file has the logic for processing PG response after the transaction processing.
    • TxnStatus.php – Testing Status Query API

For Offline(Wallet Api) Checksum Utility below are the methods:

  1. getChecksumFromString : For generating the checksum
  2. verifychecksum_eFromStr : For verifing the checksum