
Lambda function to start workspaces which are shutdown.

Primary LanguageGo

Workspaces Maintenance Lambda Function

This code is designed to be executed via a scheduled CloudWatch event and will start any Workspaces that are currently in a "Stopped" state. This is intended to give administrators more control around when Workspaces receive Windows and application updates.

A Word of Caution

Please note that I cannot commit to supporting the provided code. This is meant to be used as an example and requires further testing to be used in a production environment


Build Steps

  1. Execute the local_build_script.sh script
  2. ZIP up the resulting binary file bin/wm

Deployment steps

  1. Create a new Lambda function from scratch (make sure the IAM role has the capability to describe/start/stop AWS Workspaces)
  2. Upload the zip (from the Build Step) as the Lambda "Function package" and set the handler to wm
  3. Test the function (event content doesn't matter at this point)

To Do

  1. Add CloudFormation stack to deploy automatically
  2. Add support for Workspaces tags (only act on workspaces with a specific tag value)
  3. Add 'dry-run' support