HANGMAN Game in Python


This project is done as a part of Cod(h)er program by Tinkerhub foundation


  1. Created different text files with differnt words in it
  2. In game.py
  1. Import random, time, curses
  2. In start():
  1. Depending on the selection of the option, different files are read and a random word is generated
  1. In call_again():
  1. Depending on the choice of y/n the loop is executed
  1. In game():
  1. Letter is taken as an input
  2. In a loop, check if the letter is in the word
  1. if so then find the postion of atht letter in the word
  2. Replace that postion in the word with "_"
  3. Replace show with the position with atht letter
  1. Check if the letter is already accepted
  2. Check if the entered is a an alphabet using isalpha()
  3. Check if the word is completed or not
  4. If wrong, hangman's different parts are displayed based on the count


  1. Can the word generated without using files?
    Yes, word can be generated from a list