
:top: Python package, that provides API and command line functionality to calculate TOPSIS

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Topsis Package (API & CLI)

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Python package that can be used as an API or as a CLI tool to calculate TOPSIS performance score and ranks.

CLI scripts takes csv/excel files as input!


pip install Topsis-Jayant-102097013

Command Line Usage

topsis input_file weights impacts output_file


Arguments Description
input_file "CSV/Excel" file path
weights Comma separated numbers
impacts Comma separated '+' or '-'
output_file Output CSV file path


Creates a output_file, that contains the original data with performance score and rank.


topsis data.xlsx "2,2,3,3,4" "+,-,+,-,+" output.csv 

API Usage


  1. Import topsis function from module topsis
  2. Invoke topsis function by passing in data, weights, impacts

Note: Impacts should be a list of -1 and 1. -1 depicting -ve and 1 depicting +ve impact


from topsis import topsis
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('data.csv')
weights = [2,2,3,3,4]
print(topsis(df, weights, impacts))


Licensed under the MIT License.

Development and Contributing

Yes, please! Feel free to contribute, raise issues and recommend best practices.