
Advanced NLP Assign 3

Primary LanguagePython

Problem 1: NNLM

In this scenario, Neural network language model is trained by varying dropout rates from (0.3 to 0.8) and also hidden layer size. Perplexity scores for all the models are reported below.

Training script: source/Problem_1_NNLM.py

Problem 2: LSTM

In this scenario, Neural network language model is trained by varying hidden layer size (300 and 500). Perplexity scores are reported below along with checkpoints.

Training script: source/Problem_2_LSTM.py

Checkpoints (pretrained models) for all the below results are mentioned below (shared in gdrive).

Checkpoints for all models (NNLM and also LSTM) : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1577zJiFL5Pks23DS36HkKuePcDIatsAZ?usp=sharing

Loading checkpoints and get perplexity scores:

Run script (report_perplexity_scores.py) in source folder and provide the checkpoint path in Line (193) and file name in (197 and 203)


Model Checkpoints
NNLM (Best model = dropout : 0.3, hiiden1:300, hidden2:300) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tadHF1y8b42pbIEK-LZ7zPCWw11r6OrQ/view?usp=drive_link
LSTM (hidden layer = 300) https://drive.google.com/file/d/18k9BWya7xhscytCvZPLN4440z9TwvhfX/view?usp=sharing

Perplexity files (Folder: Perplexity_scores):

All the perplexity files for both the models (train, val, test) are in folder: Perplexity_scores

Loss plots:

  • NNLM: NNLM_training_loss_plots.png
  • LSTM: LSTM_training_loss_plots.png


  • General

Jayaram Reddyjayaram.reddy@research.iiit.ac.in