
Example code for robot

Primary LanguageHTML

Robot Controller

You need a router or phone hotspot with your computer and robot connected to run this setup. The university network may not work.

Run Arduino Code

  1. Install Arduino IDE.
  2. Follow first tutorial at wiki.ros.org/rosserial_arduino/Tutorials to set up ROS with Arduino.
  3. Load arduino/robot_controller.ino to arduino101 board. (You may need to modify the motor controller code for your robot)
  4. Connect Arduino code by USB to robot computer.

Run ROS Code (On robot)

You need the usb_cam, web_video_server, rosbridge, and rosserial packages to run the robot controller code.

  1. Place the robot_controller folder (located in ros folder) in your catkin_ws/src folder on the robot.
  2. cd ~/catkin_ws

  3. catkin_make

  4. source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.sh (note: do this for each new terminal)

  5. new terminal-> >> roscore
  6. new terminal-> >> rosrun usb_cam usb_cam_node
  7. new terminal-> >> rosrun web_video_server web_video_server
  8. new terminal-> >> rosrun rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket
  9. new terminal-> >> rosrun rosserial_python serial_node.py /dev/ttyACM0 (may need to use a different port than /dev/ttyACM0 corresponding to your arduino)

Run HTML Client

  1. Modify the html to use your IP address in place of <ip_address> with the ip address of your robot.
  2. Open the html page in your browser. You should see the video stream and be able to control the robot.