Custom Fractal Proposal

This codebase implements a script which crafts and submits a custom proposal to a Fractal Safe.


  1. Use correct Node version: nvm use
  2. Install packages: npm install
  3. Set up config: cp .env.example .env
    1. Edit your .env appropriately
    2. Create a file for the proposal's description (markdown supported) at src/proposal-assets/ (or wherever you specify in the .env's PROPOSAL_DESCRIPTION_FILE parameter)


IMPORTANT! Configure your environment using the .env file before running the script.

Run the script with npx ts-node src


This script will create and post a proposal to a Fractal Safe. The proposal includes a few transactions which do the following things:

  • Adds a text record to the parent Safe's ENS name, with a key of daorequirements and a value of ipfs://[hash].
  • Deploys and configures a new instance of the FractalModule, which enables parent Safes to clawback funds from child Safes.
  • Deploys and configures a new instance of the RealityModuleETH, which enables Snapshot voting consensus and human-based governance arbitration.
  • Deploys a new child Safe, which has multisig signers.
  • Enables the new Safe modules on this newly deployed child Safe.
  • Creates the on-chain relationship between the Parent and Child Safes, for visual representation in Fractal's UI.
  • Transfers assets from the parent DAO to the new child Safe.


First and foremost, study the .env.example and make sure you understand what each variable is for.

Then, create a Fractal Safe on Sepolia and prepare it for testing:

  • It needs "ERC20 Token Voting" governance.
  • You should make sure to delegate your voting tokens to yourself, so you can vote on the submitted proposal.
  • Transfer a "Name wrapped" ENS record to this testing Fractal Safe.
    • The proposal will be setting a text record on this ENS name.
  • Transfer some ERC20 assets to the testing Fractal Safe.
    • The proposal will be transferring some of these assets to the new child Safe.

Finally, create an .env file, copy the contents from .env.example into it, and adjust all of the variables appropriately as per how you set up your testing Fractal Safe.