Datadog Redis cache with Spring-Boot on Docker-compose

This repo sample spring-boot project to demonstrate redis cache with spring-boot & Datadog Java APM and used the Datadog Java APM TraceInterceptor to ignore the Redis Resource for "EXISTS".


  • Java 8
  • Apache Maven 3.5.0 or higher

How to Run

  • Clone the project
  • Configure Redis password in application.yml
  • Build the project
mvn clean install
  • Run the application
java -jar target/redis-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
  • Make sure your redis-server is up and running
  • Use the postman collection located in /src/main/resources directory to test the application.

Using docker

  • Build the project
mvn clean install
  • Run using docker-compose
docker-compose up --build 

Make requests to the API

Create a user

  1. Launch PostMan
  2. Create a POST request to:
    with the raw body of:

Query the user

  1. Create a POST request to:


This will create traces to the Redis service.

Reference Documentation

  • Datadog Extending Java Tracer
    • The location of ther Datadog Java APM TraceInterceptor class is:
      • RedisTraceInterceptor under: src/main/java/com/rkdevblog/interceptors/
      • The TraceInterceptor is registered under: src/main/redis/