Computer Science 1.2 - Tweet Generator


Tweet Generator - generates sentences that sound realistic, but not always sensible, and posting them to a Twitter Account. Markov language model that can stochastically sample to generate approximately grammatical sentences.

Markov Chain consists of a bunch of states linked together by transitions telling you how likely it is to go from one state to another." - Andrey Markov


Python 3.7, Flask, Gunicorn, HTML, CSS, JS, JQuery


  • 01. Rearranging words from terminal output.
  • 02. Random Dictionary Words
  • 03. Analyze Word Frequency-in-Text
  • 04. Stochastic Sampling
  • 05. Flask Web App
  • 06. Application Architecture
  • 07. Generating Sentences
  • 08. Linked List
  • 09. Hash Table
  • 10. Performance Analysis
  • 11. Markov Chains Revisited
  • 12. Creating a Corpus
  • 13. Parsing Text and Clean Up
  • 14. Tokenization
  • 15. Time to Tweet


Will change to Futurama Theme IT IS ALIVE: