
[WIP] An ios-like grid view based on react-native.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


[WIP] This project is still in progress.


import Reseau from 'react-native-reseau'

const data = [
  { src: require('./assets/Facebook.jpg'), title: 'Facebook', anything: 123 },
  { src: 'http://iosicongallery.com/img/256/instagram-2016.png', title: 'Instagram', anything: 564 },
  { src: '...', title: 'Facebook Messenger', anything: 314 },

<Reseau data={data} />

Special props in data:

  • o?: number order
  • g?: string group name


  1. Clone the enviroment project: jaychsu/react-native-env.
  2. Update the submodule called react-native-reseau.
  3. Run command to start, for example: react-native run-ios.