
A Go(lang) Client API for Dark Sky weather forecasts.

Primary LanguageGo

DarkSky API for Go



import "go.larrymyers.com/darksky"

r := darksky.MakeRequest("my_key", "41.8781", "-87.6297").Get()

feelsLike := r.Forecast.Currently.ApparentTemperature

// All time fields are represented as seconds since epoch, so
// conversion to a time.Time representation is straight forward.
currentTime := time.Unix(r.Forecast.Currently.Time, 0)

fmt.Printf("It feels like %v degrees outside at %v.", feelsLike, currentTime)


All time based fields are stored as int64 values, which contain the seconds since epoch.

Conversion can be done using time.Unix.

Run Tests With Coverage

go test -coverprofile=cover.out && go tool cover -html=cover.out