
This will help job seekers to search for a better fit

Google Smart Search

This will help job seekers to search for a better fit

Alright People,

I don't usually write blogs or github readme. I am writing this just because I realized that applying using google smart search would really help us in receiving calls for interviews but later it's their own responsibility to tackle all that.

So I am pasting few links below and going to explain each of them:

site:jobs.lever.co "San Francisco, CA"

This link refers to the job board lever, and it would give you the links from lever job board to apply for San Francisco location. There are few more job boards are available. I am going to list them down:

GreenHouse: boards.greenhouse.io

e.g. site:boards.greenhouse.io "Software Engineer"

ICIMS: icims.com/jobs

e.g. site:icims.com/jobs "Frontend Developer"

Jobvite: jobs.jobvite.com

e.g. jobs.jobvite.com "Frontend Developer"

Workday: myworkdayjobs.com/en-US

site:myworkdayjobs.com/en-US "Data Scientist"

Lever: jobs.lever.co

e.g. site:jobs.lever.co "Java Developer"

The above are those job boards from where I received the calls in most of the cases. For example, Amazon uses icims, Paypal uses workday, Affirm uses lever, CarFax uses Jobvite, Twillio uses greenhouse.


site:jobs.lever.co "San Francisco, CA" "Spring" "Java" In the above link, I am looking for jobs from SF location which needs Spring and Java technologies.

Search using skills

Let's say you are a full-stack developer with Angular on frontend and Django on backend. You can use following search strings for searching

site:boards.greenhouse.io "Fullstack" "Angular" "Django"

site:icims.com/jobs "Fullstack" "Angular" "Django"

site:jobs.jobvite.com "Fullstack" "Angular" "Django"

site:myworkdayjobs.com/en-US "Fullstack" "Angular" "Django"

You can even change the stack from Angular to React+Express or React+Spring as following

site:boards.greenhouse.io "Fullstack" "React" "Express"

site:icims.com/jobs "Fullstack" "React" "Java"

site:icims.com/jobs "React" "Java"

site:jobs.jobvite.com "Frontend" "React" "Node"

site:myworkdayjobs.com/en-US "Fullstack" "Angular" "React"

And if you are a DevOps guy, you can go for following links:

site:boards.greenhouse.io "Docker" "AWS" "Jenkins"

site:icims.com/jobs "Docker" "AWS" "Jenkins"

site:jobs.jobvite.com "DevOps Engineer"

site:myworkdayjobs.com/en-US "Docker" "AWS" "Jenkins"

I am not sure, how many results you are going to get in the Google Search but definitely it would give you some so that you won't feel like where to apply?

Search for University Recruiters of the specific companies on LinkedIn

LinkedIn limits the Advanced Search for normal users but in case you want to look for the recruiters at specific company you can just use the following link, which would show up the results in the google search

site:linkedin.com -inurl:dir -inurl:job -inurl:jobs -inurl:jobs2 -intitle:profiles -inurl:groups "University Recruiter at Bloomberg"

this link will provide the names of the University Recruiters at Blommberg.

I am going to paste more links and explain below, till that time continue your job search and all the best.