
A simple web service using NodeJS that exposes a GET API

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

GET Backend

A simple web service using NodeJS that exposes a GET API

Problem Statement

Filtering matches

Getting Started

  • Make sure NodeJS v9+ is installed on your computer
  • Clone the repo on your computer
  • Run npm install for downloading all the dependencies required for this backend
  • Run node app to run the server
  • Run npm test to run the tests

There are some assumptions made when working on the provided data set here

  • display_name is a mandatory non-null non-empty property
  • For filter values that are sent 'false' for e.g. favourites, it has no effect on filtering. It will return both favourites and non-favourites
  • For filter params like age, both minAge and maxAge are mandatory

API Docs

End point


Returns all the matches with no criteria

Query params

  • isFavourite - to get the matches that are marked as favourites
  • hasPhoto - to get the matches with photos
  • minAge - param for passing minimum age of potential matches
  • maxAge - param for passing maximum age of potential matches