This is a Full-Stack project I made called Spotigen. I used React for the frontend, NodeJs (Express) for the backend, and MongoDB where I stored all user information needed for my app.
The idea behind Spotigen is that a user has a selection of five genres of music, those being Hip-Hop, Classical, Rock, Jazz, and Pop. Of these five genres, the user can select three and hit the "Generate Playlist" button, and just like that, Spotigen displays a link to your newly created playlist of 30 random songs of the genres you chose ready for listening in your Spotify account!
This was a backend heavy project and there are a lot of comments all throughout my code that give brief explanations of what each endpoint and handler does.
To authenticate a user into my app and the logic behind Spotigen was done through a client for the Spotify Web API that runs on NodeJS called "Spotify Web API Node". This made it relatively easy to authentiate a user with their Spotify account. Also, with all of its features and detailed documentation, I was able to manipulate these features in a way where I could do exactly what I set out to do. More information could be found at this link:
Here is a link to the YouTube video I made that demonstrates everything there is to Spotigen. I hope you enjoy! Link: