
PowerShell script to fix WindowsApps-related permission errors and crashes.

Primary LanguagePowerShellThe UnlicenseUnlicense

WindowsAppsUnfukker - Download here

The parameter is incorrect

Are you getting "The parameter is incorrect" errors when trying to run apps?
Are Microsoft Store, Xbox, and other apps refusing to open or install?
Are you getting access denied errors with a bunch of apps?
Then boy do I have a solution for you!

Use this script to whip WindowsApps into submission and finally get rid of these goddamn issues!

Seriously Microsoft, why the fuck is this crap so extremely convoluted? I bet my ass some NTFS nerd creamed his pants at your office while building your steaming pile of permissions garbage.

Jesus Fucking Christ.

How to start the motherfukker

  1. Download and extract PsTools to a folder.
  2. Open CMD as admin, then access that folder: cd "PSTOOLS_PATH_HERE"
  3. Execute the script:
    psexec.exe -s -i powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "FULL_PATH_HERE\WindowsAppsUnfukker.ps1"

Note: If your objective is to modify files inside an app folder, there's an extra step required after running the script. You have to rename the app folder by adding -old at the end, make a copy of the folder, and rename the copy back to the original name. This will allow you to modify the files inside if they are not encrypted. I don't why "Full control" permissions alone aren't sufficient, probably just Microsoft eating a bag of dicks as usual.