
Azure Terraform Module that creates Windows or Linux Function App and corresponding storage on a Private Virtual Network

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Azure Function App

Changelog LICENSE TF Registry

Architecture Overview

This Terraform module creates a Linux and Windows Function App with its corresponding storage account on a Private Virtual Network. When you deploy a Function App on the Consumption App Service Plan(the least expensive option), its Function App and storage account are accessible from the Internet. For better security and access control, enterprises would prefer having both on a private network. To have a private network option, a Dedicated Plan like a Premium App Service plan is required. If there is a need to expose the function to the internet, you may want to consider placing an Azure API Management or Application Gateway in front of the function.


In the dependency-components.tf file you will find all the Azure resources that are required, as they will the input into the module. The following table outlines the components created.

Component Name Azure Resource Usage
vnet-prod Virtual Network Create a vNet to privatize connections
snet-private-endpoint Subnet Subnet for Private Endpoint used for Function Inbound Traffic
snet-func-win Subnet Subnet for Outound Traffic from Function, Delegated for Windows App Service Plan
snet-func-lnx Subnet Subnet for Outound Traffic from Function, Delegated for Linux App Service Plan
planx-funclnx-001 App Service Plan App Service Plan used by Linux Function
planx-funcwin-001 App Service Plan App Service Plan used by Windows Function
law-funcprivate Log Analytics Workspace Log Analytics workspaces to capture all logs
aai-funcprivate Application Insights Application Insights for both functions
privatelink.blob.core.windows.net Private DNS Zone Private DNS Zones to resolve Storage Blob Private Endpoint
privatelink.table.core.windows.net Private DNS Zone Private DNS Zones to resolve Storage Table Private Endpoint
privatelink.queue.core.windows.net Private DNS Zone Private DNS Zones to resolve Storage Queue Private Endpoint
privatelink.file.core.windows.net Private DNS Zone Private DNS Zones to resolve Storage File Private Endpoint
privatelink.azurewebsites.net Private DNS Zone Private DNS Zones to resolve Function Private Endpoint

Supported Terraform Version

Module version Terraform version AzureRM version
1.0.0 >=1.x.x >= 3.4


Name Source Version
Private Linux Azure Function ./modules/az-function-lnx 1.0.0
Private Windows Azure Function ./modules/az-function-win 1.0.0

Examples and usage

  1. In the Terraform file "main.tf" update the local variables with different names, as some names need to be unique.

  2. Contributor and User Access Administrator IAM rights are required on the subscription.

  3. Deploy using standard Terraform commands

     az login
     az account set -s <subscription  id>
     terraform init
     terraform plan
     terraform apply
  4. For Linux Function App, example module usage is shown in function-lnx.tf

  5. For Windows Function App, example module usage is shown in function-win.tf

  6. Once deployed, if you set up a simple HTTP trigger and try it over the internet, you will receive an "Error 403 - Forbidden", as expected. To test a private connection, you will need to deploy a test VM in the same VNET and then try the HTTP trigger.

Over The Internet

Over Internet

Over Private Network

Over Private Network



  • Uses azurerm azurerm_linux_function_app
  • Linux function requires a Linux App Service Plan
  • Linux supports the following options, so you have to provide the version of the application stack you want to use when calling the module. python_version = var.python_version Possible values include 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9 dotnet_version = var.dotnet_version Possible values include 3.1 and 6.0 node_version = var.node_version1 Possible values include 12, 14, and 16.



  • Uses azurerm azurerm_windows_function_app
  • Windows function requires a Windows App Service Plan
  • Windows supports the following options, so you have to provide the version of the application stack you want to use when calling the module. java_version = var.java_version Supported versions include 8, and 11 dotnet_version = var.dotnet_version Possible values include 3.1 and 6 node_version = var.node_version Possible values include ~12, ~14, and ~16


Name Description Type Required Windows/Linux
resource_group_name Name or resource Group string yes both
location Location of resources and resource group string yes both
azurerm_app_service_id App Service Plan ID for either Windows or Linux string yes OS Specific
pep_name Name of Private End Point for Function App string yes both
pep_subnet_id Subnet ID for Private EndPoint Subnet string yes both
swift_subnet_id Function Swift Subnet ID - Function Outbound string yes both
func_dns_id Private DNS ID for privatelink.azurewebsites.net string yes both
file_dns_id Private DNS ID for privatelink.file.core.windows.net string yes both
blob_dns_id Private DNS ID for privatelink.blob.core.windows.net string yes both
queue_dns_id Private DNS ID for privatelink.queue.core.windows.net string yes both
table_dns_id Private DNS ID for privatelink.table.core.windows.net string yes both
func_app_storage_name Unique name of Storage Account for the Function string yes both
storage_account_networksetting Storage Account Network Setting - Set to Deny bool yes both
log_analytics_ws_id Log Analytics Workspace ID string no both
func_diag_logs Function Category details for Azure Diagnostic setting list yes both
func_name Name of Function App string yes both
functions_extension_version The runtime version associated with the Function App string yes both
application_insights_connection_string App Insight connection string string no both
application_insights_key App Insight Key string no both
dotnet_version The version of .NET to use. Possible values include 3.1 and 6 number at least 1 both
java_version The Version of Java to use. Supported versions include 8, and 11 number at least 1 both
node_version The version of Node to run. Possible values include (Windows:~12, ~14, and ~16)(Linux:12, 14, and 16) number at least 1 both
python_version The version of Python to run. Possible values include 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9 number at least 1 Linux


Name Description Windows/Linux
linux_function_identity_id Managed Identity ID for Linux Function App Linux
linux_function_id Linux Function App ID Linux
linux_function_storage_account_id Storage Account for Linux Function ID Linux
windows_function_identity_id Managed Identity ID for Windows Function App Windows
windows_function_id Windows Funciton App ID Windows
windows_function_storage_account_id Storage Account for Windows Function ID Windows

Related documentation

Microsoft Azure Functions documentation: Link

Azure Functions networking options: Link

Use managed identity for AzureWebJobsStorage: Link

Terraform Windows Function App: Link

Terraform Linux Function App: Link