
My dotfiles

Primary LanguageShell

Mac Setup Instructions

  • Create a new SSH key: https://help.github.com/articles/generating-ssh-keys/
  • Homebrew
    • git
    • the_silver_searcher
    • fasd
    • emacs --with-cocoa (then brew linkapps emacs)
    • findutils --with-default-names
    • coreutils (follow instructions to use default names)
    • node
    • postgresql
    • python3
    • reattach-to-user-namespace (for prior to OS X Yosemite)
    • redis
    • tmux
    • tree
    • wget
    • curl
    • zsh
  • Apps to download
    • Dropbox
    • 1Password
    • Divvy
    • Google Chrome
    • iTerm2
    • Karabiner (formerly KeyRemap4MacBook)
    • Spotify
    • Slack
  • System Preferences settings
    • Swap control <--> caps lock and meta <--> option keys
    • Set bottom left and right corners to put the computer to sleep
    • Set screensaver
    • Enable tap with one finger to click (if no Force Touch trackpad)
    • Disable natural scroll direction
    • Turn on FileVault
  • Keybindings
    • Enable Emacs keybindings and fast key repeat rate in Karabiner
    • Copy karabiner/private.xml to /Applications/Karabiner.app/Contents/Resources/private.xml
  • iTerm Settings
  • Clone this repo and run setup_env.sh