
A animating label counter to show completion progress and total percentages with interactive animation

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


A animating label counter to show completion progress and total percentages with interactive animation

alt text

Documentation :

The idea about making this library came to my mind while working on one of work projects. While partially working on it I realized how difficult it could be to make such animation. Code itself is not challenging to write, but I faced some challenges in terms of code architecture and customization. Hope I have added enough customizable properties to this library. If not, do let me know or I will appreciate if you could send a pull request.

Initializing Percentage counter

You can initialize progress percentage counter with initializer

let progressIndicatorView = JKProgressPercentageCounterView(frame: <counter_view_frame_size>, currentValue: <current_value>, maximumValue: <maximum_value>, titleDirection: <title_direction>, progressIndicatorHeight: <progress_indicator_height>)

If you want to use default library provided parameters, you can also use a convenience initializer,

let progressIndicatorView = JKProgressPercentageCounterView(currentValue: <current_value>, maximumValue: <maximum_value>)

There are tow ways you can show the percentage counter label.

With animation

individualView.showLabelWithDuration(<animation_duration>, labelFormatterClosure: {labelValueInt, labelValueString in
                print("Label value is \(labelValueString)")
                }, completionClosure: {
                    print("Completed Animation")

If you don't want to show the animation, you can simple avoid the last line of code. Create an instance of JKProgressPercentageCounterView

and add it to the view.

Note: It is highly recommended that you use autolayout with this library. autoresizingMask is turned off for all the subviews of this library. You can also pass the manual CGRect in the initializer. It's just that view will not play nice on variable sized devices

You can customize following properties. Some of them are set in the initializer. There are two types of initializers as follows.

One if a regular one another one is convenience initializer which takes care of setting up default values for unspecified parameters.

Initializer init(frame: CGRect, currentValue: Int, maximumValue: Int, titleDirection: TitleDirection, progressIndicatorHeight: CGFloat)

Convenience Initializer convenience init(currentValue: Int, maximumValue: Int)

Customizable paramters and default values

  • titleDirection - Specifies where the percentage title label lies with respect to progress indicator view. Default to top position

  • currentValue - Value to show on completion label. Percentage is calculated from maximum value

  • maximumValue - Maximum value for given calculation. Used to calculate and display percentage on counter label

  • progressIndicatorShape - The shape of progress indicator at the end. Default to Circle

  • progressIndicatorHeight - Height of progress indicator completion view. Defaults to 20

  • progressIndicatorBorderColor - Border color for progress indicator. Defaults to lightGrayColor

  • progressIndicatorBorderWidth - Border width of progress indicator. Defaults to 0.5

  • originalLabelValue - This is the original label value. This is string representation of percentages calculated out of currentValue and maximumValue as supplied by user

  • updatedLabelValue - Sometimes user might want to apply formatting to originalLabelValue. This property could be used to update it

    For example, if not using animation - progressIndicatorView.updatedLabelValue = "\(progressIndicatorView.originalLabelValue) out of 1000"

    if using animation this values could be specified in the labelFormatterClosure passed while creating animation block as follows

individualView.showLabelWithDuration(<animation_duration>, labelFormatterClosure: {labelValueInt, labelValueString in progressIndicatorView.updatedLabelValue = "(labelValueString) out of 1000" }, completionClosure: { print("Completed Animation") })

* showLegendView - Legend is a small view attached at the end of progress indicator view. This property can be used to turn it
on or off. Defaults to `false`

* legendBackgroundColor - A background color for our legend view. Default to `purpleColor`

* completionCallback - Users can also set the completion block while animating label with

showLabelWithDuration(animationDuration: NSTimeInterval, labelFormatterClosure: ((Int, String) -> ())?, completionClosure: (() -> Void)?)

This closure gets called as soon as the progress percentage counter label animation is finished.
* animationDuration - This is the animation duration for both progress indicator and label values counter.

_You can include this library in your iOS project by adding following line to the podfile_ <br/>
`pod 'JKProgressPercentageCounter', :git => 'https://github.com/jayesh15111988/JKProgressPercentageCounter.git'` and running `pod update` thereafter

> For convenience, I have added a demo along with this library. You can get hang of extra parameters and other ways to customize the appearance of animating percentage
labels. I have tried to add demo for every possible major scenario. Let me know if something is missing or needs more clarification or attention