
Performace Testing with Gatling Tool based on Scala

Primary LanguageScala


❓ What is this Repository about?

This is a demo project for running the performance tests using Gatling using Scala.

❓ How do I setup this project on my machine?

  • First of all, You will have to install scala plugin in your IDE which is the basic requirement to run this project.
  • Clone this project using the following command:
     git clone https://github.com/jayeshd7/GatlingProject.git
  • Once the cloning is complete, Import the project in your IDE using Import >> Existing Maven Project. It should look like following once your import the project:

❓ How do I run the tests?

  • Right Click on myfirstpackage\engine and run using Scala Application.
  • It will ask to choose the simulation number to run.[Simulation Number is actually the test you want to run].
  • After Choosing the Simulation Number, enter the description.(It is optional, you can leave it blank.

  • A Screen like the below should be displayed which means your tests are getting executed:


  • Once the test runs are complete, reports would be generated in the target folder:

  • Double Click on index.html to view the report in your default browser.

  • For more details please visit Gatling