
Resources on various topics being worked on at IvLabs


Initiative by IvLabs to to share field-wise learning resources.

Here you will find all the courses and online materials which are being followed by lab members. These resources have been carefully handpicked to provide the best knowledge.


Guidelines for contributing

  1. You are encouraged to add links to the following:
    • Online courses
    • Books
    • Tutorials/Code Implementations
    • Important Research Papers
    • Other useful things
  2. All of these should be segregated by sub-topic.
  3. Refer to existing sections before contributing a new one.
  4. Follow the Fork-Commit-Pull Request cycle for contributing, more on this here
  5. If you create a new topic folder make sure to link that folder in landing page README.md
  6. The name of folder should be consistent with exact format of word1-word2. Some NOT allowed forms are word1word2, word1_word2, Word1-Word2, etc. This maintains consistency and proper ordering of folder.
  7. The topic names in Topic should be in increasing alphabetical order.