
Django App for Voice Authentication

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Voice Based Authentication System


What It Does

The proposed project is a voice based authentication system. Our system will be able to differentiate between machine voice assistants as well recognize the voice if registered. Final product should be such that no pre-recorded voice or voice assistant should be able to pass the authentication system. It can be scaled and utilized in different industries like banks, shops etc where there is a need to verify and authenticate the entity before giving them access to any resources.


  • Multi Language Support

Run it on your machine

  • Install dependencies
        $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Run
        $ python3 maage.py runserver

Run it on your phone

  • Copy your IP address by running following command




  • Add you IP address in ALLOWED_HOSTS list in setting.py file

  • Run
python3 manage.py runserver IP_ADDRESS:PORT

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