Jayesh Manani is ML/AI Engineer provides AI software related solutions to the companies to leverage the data and turn data into opportunity.
Mercedes-Benz AGStuttgart, Germany
Pinned Repositories
In this notebook, we will use scikit-learn to perform a decision tree based classification of weather data. The file daily_weather.csv is a comma-separated file that contains weather data. This data comes from a weather station located in San Diego, California. The weather station is equipped with sensors that capture weather-related measurements such as air temperature, air pressure, and relative humidity. Data was collected for a period of three years, from September 2011 to September 2014, to ensure that sufficient data for different seasons and weather conditions is captured. Let's now check all the columns in the data.
In this repository I have demonstrated the Linear Regression on the Boston Housing Price Dataset By use of Sci-kit learn library of Python.
Here in this project I have written the code for Merge two CSV files and generate the third one as output using python library pandas Dataframe mainly.
Here in this repository. I have added the notebook for sending the automatic mail when some execution finishes or just to use automatic mailing using python smtplib library. It will send automatic mail to the desired email address in html format or just simple message.
In this Repository I have attached the file for achieving the sentiment analysis of Twitter Data for a particular product you are looking for by just entering the keyword and fetching the tweets. Here Sentiment analysis using VADER Sentiment Analysis. Vader is a lexicon and rule-based sentiment analysis tool. You can use the twitter app credentials for collecting some limited tweets up to 100 and can do some analysis for the same. One can easily find the sentiment of the tweet using this tool.
This repository consist of the jupyter notebook file for doing the analysis of the twitter trends.You can easily check this code out and try on your own for looking for twitter trends. We used the twitter API for the same. You just have to make a app in twitter. from where you will get the credentials for the same. And which you have to write in the places as in the notebook.
This repository consist of the jupyter notebook file for doing the analysis of the twitter hashtags or say some particular words you are looking for on the twitter.You can easily check this code out and try on your own for looking for twitters Hashtags or keyword. We used the twitter API for the same. You just have to make a app in twitter. from where you will get the credentials for the same. And which you have to write in the places as in the notebook.
This repo consist of some code using python libraries for completing the Web scraping of the event details from various websites and after gathering the data checking the data and do analysis for removing the duplicate events on same day at same location.
This repository consist of the code and some related files for use and scrape the website data. Here in the example it is demonstrated with the craigslist.org website.
jayeshmanani's Repositories
Personal Portfolio
This contains simple programs of C++ Programming language. Named Random Coin Toss.
This repo consist of some code using python libraries for completing the Web scraping of the event details from various websites and after gathering the data checking the data and do analysis for removing the duplicate events on same day at same location.
Smart contract Application Learning
Repository for the CMake exercise of the SSE lecture
This project is part of the Specialisation for Data Science (IBM).
Repository for the CPack exercise of the SSE lecture
Parallel computing with task scheduling
This repository contains all the data visualisation techniques applied for various visualisation and find some useful insight using libraries like Matplotlib and Seaborn and use of some other python libraries.
This is the demo flask app, which is just to demonstrate the deployment on the Gcloud App Engine (GAE).
Exercise 27 Oct 2022, Deadline 3 Nov 2022
This repo is about building a demo application using the DJango framework, sqlite3 database.
for the exercise work of the Simulation-Software-Engineering lecture of Git
This is to implement the knowledge learned from Coursera as exercise.
Google Sheets Python API
Google IT Automation with Python Professional Certificate - Practice files
Material for the Simulation Software Engineering Lecture
Here in this repo I have demonstrated the implementation of the various machine learning algorithms which are used which some examples.
Tool for producing high quality forecasts for time series data that has multiple seasonality with linear or non-linear growth.
This repository contains the project performed with the Tensorflow and Python.