
A single-player JavaScript game inspired by "Doodle Jump"

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Poodle Jump

Live Link


Poodle Jump is a simple 1-player game, inspired by the classic mobile game "Doodle Jump." The objective of the game is to last as long as you can by continuously jumping on platforms.

Poodle Jump demo


  • Select desired game difficulty
  • Control the Poodle with '<' and '>' keys
  • View your current score, displayed in the upper left corner

Architecture and Technologies

  • Vanilla JavaScript for game logic and event handlers
  • HTML5 Canvas for DOM manipulation and rendering
  • Webpack to bundle and serve up scripts

Functionality & MVP

Within Poodle Jump, users are able to:

  • Select desired game difficulty
  • Move the poodle left and right in the game
  • Wrap around the edge to prevent boundaries and falling off the screen
  • View the current high score

Implementation details

Different game modes are generated depending on user selection.

let easy = document.getElementById('easy');
easy.addEventListener('click', () => {

Poodle moves according to it's current 'jumping' status, taking into consideration the current y-velocity and gravity.

move() {
    if (this.jumping) {
        this.jumping = false;
        this.gravitySpeed = 0;
        switch(this.difficulty) {
            case 'easy':
                this.yVel = -11;
            case 'insane':
                this.yVel = -20;
                this.yVel = -13;
    //Consistently add gravity to y velocity. This updates and increases yVel
    //each animation frame.
    this.yVel += this.gravity;
    this.y += this.yVel

    if (this.left) {
    } else if (this.right) {

Collision detection between the poodle and platform determines if the poodle is 'jumping' or not.

landedOn(platform) {
    let poBottom = this.y + this.h;
    //Locate the bottom y of poodle and check if it is within the y values of 
    //the platform. Check if poodle x edges are at least 10px within platform x values.
    if ((poBottom <= platform.y + platform.h + 3) && (poBottom >= platform.y - 1) && 
    (this.x >= platform.x - this.w + 10) && (this.x <= platform.x + platform.w - 10)) {
        //If poodle is already jumping or on it's way up, do not repeatedly jump.
        //Only jumps if yVel is positive, or the poodle is falling once again.
        if (this.yVel > 0) {
            this.jumping = true;
            this.heightJumped += (this.yVel * 4);
            return true;
    } else {
        return false;

Future Features

  • Allow users to select desired character to play with
  • Implement game sounds