
Add special functions of SLATEC (http://www.netlib.org/slatec/) to NGSolve

Primary LanguageC++

Bringing more special functions to NGSolve

This is an add-on package to NGSolve, which shows how to bring special functions implemented elsewhere into NGSolve's python interface. We bring in the Bessel and Hankel function implementations of the Slatec package and the error function implementation from the Faddeeva package.


Make sure you have NGSolve installed. Building the package should be straight forward:

git clone https://github.com/NGSolve/ngs-special-functions.git
cd ngs-special-functions
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
# automatically installs during build to your NGSolve installation
make -j4 
cd ..

Run examples

cd demo
netgen gammaln.py


To extend by adding further functions from Slatec, follow these steps:

  1. In src/fetch_and_convert_slatec.cmake add an additional line: fetch_and_convert_slatec_sources(<what_you_want_to_add>)
  2. Modify src/specialcf.cpp to recognize the additional function.
  3. Rebuild package (using cmake and make as above).