
Improving Performance for Distributed SGD using Ray

Primary LanguagePython

CSE598 Project: Improving Performance for Distributed SGD using Ray

  • MNIST/mnist.py runs the MNIST model
  • CIFAR10/cifar10.py runs the CIFAR-10 model
  • Fashion-MNIST/fashion_mnist.py runs the Fashion-MNIST model

The programs allow the user to specify the following parameters:

  • batch size (batch_size)
  • number of workers (num_workers)
  • number of workers that send updates to the parameter server in each iteration (num_workers_ps_update)
  • learning rate (lr)
  • staleness tolerance of gradients among workers (staleness_tolerance)
  • interval for workers to pull latest weights from parameter server (pull_weights_interval_rule)

We hypothesize that the new SGD models that have better accuracy and training times than the baseline SGD models are hybrid models that combine aspects of both the synchronous and asynchronous models.

Figure below illustrates what we mean by ahybrid model. A hybrid model can be implemented by changing the parameters of a baseline synchronous model to be more asynchronous. A hybrid model can also be implementedby changing the parameters of a baseline asynchronous model to be more synchronous. Our implementation identifies and develops parameters that can increase and decreasethe synchronicity and asynchronicity of a model.

You can read the full paper with results and architecture explanation here

Overall Architecture