
C++ utility for making body pose data from primesense available throughout your system via TCP ports

Primary LanguageC++


C++ utility for making body pose data from Primesense available throughout your system via TCP ports

by Jay Hack, Fall 2013

1: Description

This program provides a utility for broadcasting skeleton data gathered by the primesense across your system via TCP ports. I, for instance, read in the data with python, shape it with pandas, then run inference and statistical analysis procedures on it in real time.

The body pose frames themselves are sent across TCP as JSON dictionaries.

This is written in C++ and uses the following libraries:

• OpenNI: communicates with the primesense

• NiTE: extracts body pose information out of point clouds gathered from primesense

• ZeroMQ: interface to TCP ports

• cpp_json: serializes skeleton data structures.

2: Setup/Installation

Set up development environment:

~$: source SetupDevEnvironment.sh


~$: make

Make sure you can run it:

~$: chmod +x run.sh

3: Usage

Run the program:

~$: ./run.sh