
This script is a trial version of replication of RuiFan's paper Real-Time Implementation of Stereo Vision Based on Optimised Normalised Cross-Correlation and Propagated Search Range on a GPU

If you find this code useful in your research, please consider citing:

title={Real-time implementation of stereo vision based on optimised normalised cross-correlation and propagated search range on a GPU}, 
journal={2017 IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST)}, 
author={Fan, Rui and Dahnoun, Naim},


Environment request: python 3.7.6

pip install <below_packages>
  1. numpy
  2. sklearn (not mandatory)
  3. cv2
  4. matplotlib
  5. scipy (not mandatory)
  6. numba (suggested)

My laptop has a i7-4702HQ CPU, detailed hardware information

H/W path                 Device           Class          Description
                                          system         Dell Precision M3800 (D
/0                                        bus            Dell Precision M3800
/0/0                                      memory         64KiB BIOS
/0/2f                                     processor      Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-47
/0/2f/4                                   memory         256KiB L1 cache
/0/2f/5                                   memory         1MiB L2 cache
/0/2f/6                                   memory         6MiB L3 cache
/0/7                                      memory         8GiB System Memory
/0/7/0                                    memory         4GiB SODIMM DDR3 Synchr
/0/7/1                                    memory         4GiB SODIMM DDR3 Synchr
/0/100                                    bridge         Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen
/0/100/1                                  bridge         Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen
/0/100/1/0                                display        GK107GLM [Quadro K1100M
/0/100/2                                  display        4th Gen Core Processor 
/0/100/3                                  multimedia     Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen
/0/100/4                                  generic        Intel Corporation

架构:           x86_64
CPU 运行模式:   32-bit, 64-bit
字节序:         Little Endian
CPU:             8
在线 CPU 列表:  0-7
每个核的线程数: 2
每个座的核数:   4
座:             1
NUMA 节点:      1
厂商 ID:        GenuineIntel
CPU 系列:       6
型号:           60
型号名称:       Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4702HQ CPU @ 2.20GHz
步进:           3
CPU MHz:        897.292
CPU 最大 MHz:   3200.0000
CPU 最小 MHz:   800.0000
BogoMIPS:       4390.13
虚拟化:         VT-x
L1d 缓存:       32K
L1i 缓存:       32K
L2 缓存:        256K
L3 缓存:        6144K
NUMA 节点0 CPU: 0-7

To Use


Please visit numba to see full version of instruction. To turn on numba speed-up, please uncomment the line above each function block

@jit(nopython=True)  <----
def func()


Step1. Feature extraction and remove outliers(cell_1)

Input: left, right images

Return: matches and filtered_match

Step2. Perspective transformation code(cell_2)

Input: filtered_match

Return: slope and intercept, shifted image pairs

Step3. Disparity Old (cell_3)

The old version contains a straight calculation of Normalized Cross Correlation(NCC), the function was built under function (1) of the original paper. Meanwhile, integral image of mean and SD is calculated for index calculation under paper's suggestion.

Input: shifted image pairs

Return: Disparity the calculation speed of the disparity part takes 30ms (UPDATED UNTIL 8/19/2020)

Step3. Disparity New (cell_4)

The new version contains a faster calculation of NCC with the help of cv2, the function was built under function (8) of the original paper. The 'faster' conclusion comes from the performance comparison in cell_6 and cell_7 (Please uncomment #line 73-74 in cell_7 ).

Input: shifted image pairs

Return: Disparity the calculation speed of the disparity part takes 50ms, the overall performance is not as good as the old version. (UPDATED UNTIL 8/19/2020)

Runtime (ms) 8/19/2020 Goal: 1 thread CPU Goal: 8 thread CPU
Old NCC 30 ------ ------ ------ ------
New NCC 50 ------ ------ 8 18

Known Issues

Q: Why numba?


  • Speed of code run using numba is comparable to that of similar code in C, C++ or Fortran.
  • Fastmath, Parallel, Intel SVML, CUDA supported. See also:

A ~5 minute guide to Numba

Performance Tips

Speed Up your Algorithms Part 2— Numba

Q: Once turn on all comments marked on numba line (speed up all), especially the main Left_Disparity_Map(), the error of numba would pop up.

A: While concatenate the search range under line 11 of the Algorithm 2: Left disparity map estimation, some recieved temporal disparity list may empty. We have to provide the explicit dtype to numba. Works still need to be done.

To do

  1. Refine the scripts until parallel calculation and @jit works for full code. See process performance may reach 4 fps.
  2. Refine into CUDA supported version numba style script.
  3. Write the code in C++ or CUDA C.