
discord helper bot for my family.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


What is hera?

hera is a Discord bot developed by me for my family. It acts as a helper bot to ease the process of reminding them events.

What does hera use?

hera is a node.js application utilizing different node modules, including:

  • Discord.js (for Discord API interactions)
  • node-postgres (for making and handling queries to the PostgreSQL server)

Currently, hera is being hosted 24/7 on a free Heroku server, with automatic deployment routed to this repository.

As mentioned above, hera stores and acquires data in a PostgreSQL database. The database is also handled by Heroku.


Lunch or dinner

hera who home [lunch/dinner] [date]

Checks who is available for lunch/dinner on a given date (defaults to today). Example:

hera who home dinner

hera [home/no] [lunch/dinner] [date] ([reason])

Records your availability for lunch/dinner on a given date (defaults to today). Example:

hera no dinner tonight (party with friends)

hera [home/no] [lunch/dinner] all [weekday] ([reason])

Records your new weekly routine for lunch/dinner on a given weekday. Example:

hera home lunch all friday

hera show [name]

Shows the lunch/dinner schedule of the whole week for a given person (defaults to yourself). Example:

hera show mum

Notable features

Time expressions:

Since some of my family members aren't programmers, I try to make my commands as "English-like" as possible. One of my approaches to achieving this is to handle time expressions like English, such as "today", "tonight" or "tomorrow". I would add in additional finders to handle these words, which improves user experience.

List of ideas for future development

- grocery list function

  • sending reminder messages
  • making a database for chores