
Ancient Secrets of Prediction - ASOP

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Ancient Secrets of Prediction

Making predictions is what our brain does all the time. As we stand, different parts of our body like out feet, send sensory info back and forth to the brain which performs tiny adjustments that correct/change your posture so that we can stand while maintaining our balance, so that we don't fall over and do that with the least amount of discomfort. We do the same when we walk, we are making thousands of predictions. The brain is predicting which signals to send to which body parts and we unconciously execute our movements based on our pervious experiences and the constant sensory feedback.

During the world war, the army need to predict the extact angle at which a bomb need to be thrown. Or predict the position where bomb will hit. In the ancient egypt, they need to predict the time of Solar eclips and the rains. If you look closely, every human science is evolved around predictions. We predict for survival. Actually, the brain roles is to predict for survival. The predictions are based on what we learnt from the past.

As part of this tutorial, we are going to learn "how to predict" using basic math. This is usually called Machine Learning. We would start with extremely simple example and then we will gradually reach image recognition.

We are going to build from scratch instead of leaning on libraries such as Numpy, Scikit learn or Tensorflow. We will be coding most of the algorithms from scratch using Python. So, let's get comfortable with Python ;3