
A brief implementation of LWW Element Sets in javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScript

LWW Element Set in javascript

This is a simple LWW Element Set implementation in javascript.


To initialize everything, ensure you have node.js installed. cd into the project folder and run:

npm install


To test the library, run this command:

node lww-tests.js


To run the library, just import it into your javascript project


The main LWW functions are in main.js. In this implementation, added elements are stored in the _addSet. Removed elements are stored in the _removeSet. Elements contain: an elem (element, or data) and time (Can be an integer, or when not provided, the current timestamp). Here is a brief description of every function:

constructor (addBias, addSet, removeSet)

This is the entrypoint to the module. It takes in 3 parameters: addBias, addSet and removeSet.

add (elem, time)

This function adds a new element to the _addSet set.

remove (elem, time)

This function adds a new element to the _removeSet

compare (T)

Compares T with the current set (this). If they are identical, returns true, otherwise returns false.

merge (T)

Merges T intto this, and returns this set.

lookup (data)

Searches for data in the current set. If found, returns true, otherwise false.