
Unofficial client library for generating Imgix URLs in Elixir

Primary LanguageElixirOtherNOASSERTION


Unofficial client library for generating imgix URLs in Elixir

Hex version CI


imgex is available in Hex, the package can be installed as:

  1. Add imgex to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

    def deps do
      [{:imgex, "~> 0.2.0"}]
  2. Ensure imgex is started before your application:

    def application do
      [applications: [:imgex]]


The source is really small so reading through it should be straight-forward but the full package documentation is available at https://hexdocs.pm/imgex.


To use the library you have to configure your Imgix domain and secure token or pass them as an options map %{domain: "domain", token: "token"} as the third parameter to Imgex.url/3 or Imgex.proxy_url/3. See config/test.exs for an example of how to configure this.


To generate an Imgix url based on a path (Web Folder and S3 sources) and optional parameters do:

url = Imgex.url "/images/cats.jpg", %{w: 700}

To generate an Imgix url based on a public URL (Web Proxy sources) and optional parameters do:

url = Imgex.proxy_url "https://some-public-url.com/cats.jpg", %{w: 700}


Created by Ian Walter