
An AngularJs 1.X Todo-App or Note taking Application. Create and archive notes in your list in your web browser. Archived on 2023/11/26.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

AngularJs Todo App Build Status

Archived on 2023/11/26.

This repository contains the frontend code for Nota. The code is designed for you to connect it to your own deployment of Nota. You may try out Nota that I host here.

The Android version of this app is available here. The desktop version of this app is available here.


Users are able to use this App as a Todo-List or a Note Taking application.


  • User Login, Logout, Registration, Reset Password
  • Add, Edit, Update, Delete, and Archive Notes
  • Supports Markdown
  • Mobile Friendly

Testing & Development

Note: You will not be able to fully use this app until the backend is setup correctly. Please view the Nota repository to see how to set up the backend. Once you have the backend running, you have to change the Javascript file in /app/scripts/services/, config.js, to have your url and/or port number that will be directing requests to your backend for the _apiUrl variable. Replace "http://yourdomain.com:3000" with the uri you will be using.

  1. The instructions below assume you have Docker and Docker Compose installed.

  2. Clone this repo.

  3. In the root of the project folder, run ./build-docker.sh. This builds the Docker for our use for development.

  4. Run docker-compose run --service-ports notafrontend bash to use the image we built and enter a bash shell to run our commands in.

  • Run grunt serve for live preview when modifying the code. You can then browse the site after opening your browser to the url that grunt has informed you in it's output. The url is currently

  • Run grunt test to make sure the app will past some unit testing if you are making changes to the app. This is a small safety measure to make sure your changes do not have an adverse effect.

Build & Production

  1. Run grunt build to build the site. A dist folder will be created of the minified site files you may then deploy to production.

Pull requests and issues are welcomed.

Made with ♥ in Los Angeles & Long Beach CA.