
杭州市余杭区最好用的 VIM/NVIM 代码补全插件

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT


It's a Fast and Minimalism Style Completion Plugin for vim/nvim. There are many excellent vim auto-completion plugins such as nvim-cmp, vim-lsp, YouCompleteMe and coc.nvim etc. However I still want a simpler plugin without any redundant configurations. And it's a good idea to incorporate AI coding assistants as well.


Vim-easycomplete is a fast and minimalism style completion plugin for vim/nvim. It aims to be available out of the box on linux and mac. It is implemented in pure VimScript and is extremely simple to configure without installing Node and a bunch of Node modules.


It contains these features:

  • AI coding assistant via tabnine. (Highly Recommend!)
  • Buffer Keywords/Directory support
  • LSP(language-server-protocol) support. Easy to install LSP Server with one command
  • Written in pure vim script for vim8 and neovim
  • Snippet support
  • Fast performance


Easycomplete requires Vim 8.2 or higher version with MacOS/Linux/FreeBSD. For neovim users, 0.6.0 or higher is required.

Vimscript config with vim-plug:

Plug 'jayli/vim-easycomplete'
Plug 'SirVer/ultisnips'

Run :PlugInstall.

Lua config with Packer.nvim:

use { 'jayli/vim-easycomplete', requires = {'SirVer/ultisnips'}}

Run :PackerInstall

Full configuration example.


All commands:

Command Description
:EasyCompleteInstallServer Install LSP server for current fileytpe
:InstallLspServer Same as EasyCompleteInstallServer
:EasyCompleteDisable Disable EasyComplete
:EasyCompleteEnable Enable EasyComplete
:EasyCompleteGotoDefinition Goto definition position
:EasyCompleteReference Find references
:EasyCompleteRename Rename
:EasyCompleteCheck Checking LSP server
:EasyCompletePreviousDiagnostic Goto Previous diagnostic
:EasyCompleteNextDiagnostic Goto Next diagnostic
:EasyCompleteProfileStart Start record diagnostics message
:EasyCompleteProfileStop Stop record diagnostics message
:EasyCompleteLint Do diagnostic
:LintEasyComplete Do diagnostic
:BackToOriginalBuffer Return to the position before the reference jump
:DenoCache Do Deno Cache for downloading modules
:CleanLog close quickfix window


The plugin is out of box and config nothing. (If you want full features, please refer to my full configuration). Use Tab to trigger the completion suggestions and select matched items. By default use Ctrl-] for definition jumping, Ctrl-t for jumping back (Same as tags jumping).

Lua configuration:

-- Highlight the symbol when holding the cursor if you need it
vim.g.easycomplete_cursor_word_hl = 1
-- Using nerdfont is highly recommended
vim.g.easycomplete_nerd_font = 1

-- GoTo code navigation
vim.keymap.set('n', 'gr', ':EasyCompleteReference<CR>')
vim.keymap.set('n', 'gd', ':EasyCompleteGotoDefinition<CR>')
vim.keymap.set('n', 'rn', ':EasyCompleteRename<CR>')
vim.keymap.set('n', 'gb', ':BackToOriginalBuffer<CR>')

Vimscript configuration:

" Highlight the symbol when holding the cursor
let g:easycomplete_cursor_word_hl = 1
" Using nerdfont is highly recommended
let g:easycomplete_nerd_font = 1

" GoTo code navigation
noremap gr :EasyCompleteReference<CR>
noremap gd :EasyCompleteGotoDefinition<CR>
noremap rn :EasyCompleteRename<CR>
noremap gb :BackToOriginalBuffer<CR>

Other optional configurations:

  • set updatetime=300 (lua: vim.opt.updatetime = 300) is highly recommended.
  • Menu noselected by default: setlocal completeopt+=noselect, (lua: vim.cmd('setlocal completeopt+=noselect'))

Global configurations:

Global Configure Default Description
g:easycomplete_nerd_font 0 Using nerdfont for lsp icons
g:easycomplete_menu_skin {} Menu skin.
g:easycomplete_sign_text {} Sign icons.
g:easycomplete_lsp_type_font ... lsp icons configuration
g:easycomplete_tabnine_suggestion 1 Tabnine inline suggestion(for nvim only)
g:easycomplete_lsp_checking 1 Check whether the lsp is installed while opening a file
g:easycomplete_tabnine_enable 1 Enable Tabnine
g:easycomplete_directory_enable 1 Directory complete
g:easycomplete_tabnine_config {} TabNine Configuration
g:easycomplete_filetypes {} Custom filetyps configuration
g:easycomplete_enable 1 Enable this plugin
g:easycomplete_tab_trigger <Tab> Use tab to trigger completion and select next item
g:easycomplete_shift_tab_trigger <S-Tab> Use s-tab to select previous item
g:easycomplete_cursor_word_hl 0 Highlight the symbol when holding the cursor
g:easycomplete_signature_offset 0 Signature offset
g:easycomplete_diagnostics_next <C-N> Goto next diagnostic position
g:easycomplete_diagnostics_prev <S-C-n> Goto previous diagnostic position
g:easycomplete_diagnostics_enable 1 Enable diagnostics
g:easycomplete_signature_enable 1 Enable signature
g:easycomplete_diagnostics_hover 1 Gives a diagnostic prompt when the cursor holds
g:easycomplete_pum_format ["abbr", "kind", "menu"] Pmenu format

Typing :h easycomplete for help.

Language Support

There are tow ways to install lsp server.

  1. For vim/nvim: via integrated installer by :InstallLspServer.
  2. For nvim only: via nvim-lsp-installer by :LspInstall
Plug 'williamboman/nvim-lsp-installer'

LSP Server will all be installed in ~/.config/vim-easycomplete/servers.

You can give a specified plugin name for InstallLspServer command. Both of the following useage are avilable:

  • :InstallLspServer
  • :InstallLspServer lua

All supported languages:

Plugin Name Languages Language Server Installer Requirements nvim-lsp-installer support
directory directory No Need Integrated None -
buf buf & dict No Need Integrated None -
snips Snippets ultisnips Integrated python3 -
ts js/ts tsserver Yes node/npm Yes
deno js/ts denols Yes deno Yes
tn TabNine TabNine Yes None No
vim Vim vimls Yes node/npm Yes
cpp C/C++/OC clangd Yes None Yes
css CSS cssls Yes node/npm Yes
html HTML html Yes node/npm Yes
yml YAML yamlls Yes node/npm Yes
xml Xml lemminx Yes java/jdk Yes
sh Bash bashls Yes node/npm Yes
json JSON json-languageserver Yes node/npm No
php php intelephense Yes node/npm Yes
dart dart dartls Yes None Yes
py Python pylsp Yes python3/pip3 Yes
java Java jdtls Yes java11/jdk Yes
go Go gopls Yes go Yes
r R r-languageserver Yes R No
rb Ruby solargraph Yes ruby/bundle No
lua Lua sumneko_lua Yes Lua Yes
nim Nim nimls Yes nim/nimble Yes
rust Rust rust_analyzer Yes None Yes
kt Kotlin kotlin_language_server Yes java/jdk Yes
grvy Groovy groovyls Yes java/jdk Yes
cmake cmake cmake Yes python3/pip3 Yes
c# C# omnisharp-lsp Yes None No

More info about semantic completion for each supported language:

Add filetypes whitelist for specified language plugin:

let g:easycomplete_filetypes = {
      \   "sh": {
      \     "whitelist": ["shell"]
      \   },
      \   "r": {
      \     "whitelist": ["rmd", "rmarkdown"]
      \   },
      \ }

Snippet Support

Vim-EasyComplete does not support snippets by default. If you want snippet integration, you will first have to install ultisnips. UltiSnips is compatible with Vim-EasyComplete out of the box. UltiSnips required python3 installed.

Solution of "E319: No python3 provider found" Error in neovim 0.4.4 with ultisnips

AI Coding via TabNine Support

Install TabNine: :InstallLspServer tabnine. Then restart your vim/nvim.

Set let g:easycomplete_tabnine_enable = 0 to disable TabNine. You can config TabNine by g:easycomplete_tabnine_config witch contains two properties:

  • line_limit: The number of lines before and after the cursor to send to TabNine. If the option is smaller, the performance may be improved. (default: 1000)
  • max_num_result: Max results from TabNine. (default: 3)
let g:easycomplete_tabnine_config = {
    \ 'line_limit': 1000,
    \ 'max_num_result' : 3,
    \ }

TabNine works well without APIKey. If you have a Tabnine's Pro API key or purchased a subscription license. To configure, you'll need to use the TabNine' magic string. Type Tabnine::config in insert mode to open the configuration panel.

Disable TabNine inline suggestion: let g:easycomplete_tabnine_suggestion = 0.

Beautify completion menu

Set g:easycomplete_nerd_font = 1 to enable default nerdfonts configuration.

If you want to customize the kind icon, you can modify the configuration with https://nerdfonts.com installed. Examples.

You can add custom Pmenu styles by defining these highlight groups:

  • EasyFuzzyMatch: highlight fuzzy matching character. It links to "Constant" by default if it's not defined.
  • EasyPmenu: Pmenu style. It links to "Pmenu" by default.
  • EasyPmenuKind: PmenuKind style. It links to "PmenuKind" by default.
  • EasyPmenuExtra: PmenuExtra style. It links to "PmenuExtra" by default.
  • EasyFunction: Function kind icon style. links to "Conditional" by default.
  • EasySnippet: Snippet kind icon style. links to "Number" by default.
  • EasyTabNine: TabNine kind icon style. links to "Character" by default.
  • EasySnippets: TabNine snippets suggestion style. links to "LineNr" by default

More examples here: full config example

My custom config:my-custom-config

截屏2023-12-30 20 25 06

Add custom completion plugin

add custom completion plugin


[WIP] If you have bug reports or feature suggestions, please use the issue tracker. In the meantime feel free to read some of my thoughts at https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/366496399, https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/425555993, https://medium.com/@lijing00333/vim-easycomplete

More Examples:

TabNine snippets inline suggestion

Update Deno Cache via :DenoCache

Directory selecting:

Handle backsapce typing

Snip Support

Diagnostics jumping


TabNine supporting:
