
πŸš€πŸ‘ΎπŸŒ  A fun & light-weight web app to display all the Star Wars data you'll ever want!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Live: https://jayli3n.github.io/starwars/

A fun & light-weight web app to display all the Star Wars data you'll ever want!

This is just a side project to familiarize myself with React.js.

To complete this without the hassel of worrying about CSS, I used a node package called tachyons toolkit to help with the styling.


Features & Code Snippets

Below are some of the features and code extracts of this coding exercise.

AJAX Loading:

Clicking on the category loads data from the star wars API, 10 items at a time. Each load appends to a data list stored in the component's state for display.

ajax loading

onBtnClick = (event) => {
  this.setState({data: []});
  this.setState({total: 0});
  this.setState({done_loading: false});
  const btn_id = parseInt(event.target.id, 10);

  const fetchEverything = (param) => {
      const fetch2 = (url) => {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
          fetch(url).then(resp => resp.json()).then(swapi => {
            this.setState({data: this.state.data.concat(swapi.results)});
            this.setState({total: swapi.count});
            if(swapi.next === null){
              fetch2(swapi.next).then(resolvee => {
      fetch2(param).then(() => this.setState({done_loading: true}))
      .catch(err => console.log('An error has occurred: ', err))
      .finally(() => this.setState({done_loading: true}));

Dynamic Search:

The search field narrows down results immediately by using array.filter() to filter through the full list of star wars data first before feeding the list to CardList component to display.

Converting star wars data and user entered string to lowercase allows more accurate comparison.

dynamic search

let filteredItems = this.state.data.filter(item => {
  if(typeof item.name !== "undefined"){
    return item.name.toLowerCase().includes(this.state.search_field.toLowerCase());
  else if(typeof item.title !== "undefined"){
    return item.title.toLowerCase().includes(this.state.search_field.toLowerCase());
    return {};

Scroll View Component:

The list of Cards are contained in a reusable ScrollView Component. By using {props.children}, ScrollView automatically takes into context what to render inside it.

scrollview component

import React from 'react';

const ScrollView = (props) => {
		<div className= 'pa3' style={{overflowY: 'scroll', border: '3px solid black', height: '800px'}}>

export default ScrollView;

NPM Dev Packages:

"devDependencies": {
    "tachyons": "^4.11.1"