
Experimenting with launching Terraform using CDKs

Terraform CDK

Experimenting with launching Terraform using CDKs.

Starting with Node because I like Node and I like TypeScript I would have been okay with Python too but the first blog/repo I came across uses Node and frankly there's a huge value in using TypeScript if it makes any sense at all. Most devs know some amount of TypeScript and all of us work with JavaScript in some capacity at some point so the learning curve is minimal.

Found this article on Medium: Terraform CDK GCP

This is great because it demonstrates GCP.

The repo for this project can be found here.

Here's the official HashiCorp demo: Install CDK for Terraform and run a quick start demo

The downside to this one is it demonstrates AWS and right now all I care about is GCP.

Here's one that showcases Kubernetes on GCP. This may actually be the best. It's even using Node as well: Kubernetes Infrastructure with CDK

This one could have better documentation. It's almost a deal-breaker. It makes me doubt if this code is even going to run. I may go with the Medium article for starters and then circle back to this one for reference if I get into trouble.