
A django based web application for creating, configuring, and managing Twitter mashup bots.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Ewe Ebooks

A Django based admin for creating, configuring, and managing Twitter mashup bots.


By creating an easy to use front end for creation and maintenance of Twitter bots, Ewe Ebooks brings the horse ebooks experience to everyone. Users can upload their own source material or choose twitter accounts as sources. Then, using a simple user interface, users can easily configure the sources, frequency, and algorithms used to combine their content, then watch as it is automatically posted to twitter on their behalf.

Specific Functionality

Main management page:

  • Tabular list of bots configured by this user. Fields are bot_name, last_post_time, content_sources, truncated last_post, and link to individual bot management page.

Individual bot management page:

Django form page with the following elements:

  • Generate a tweet button (user can press to generate sample content, shows a dummy tweet with avatar, etc. Used to play with settings)
  • Twitter API Elements
  • Tabular list of toggleable sources used to seed this bot. User can turn source inclusion on and off
  • Link to add a new corpus
  • Content generation method controls:N-gram length. chain on stopword or shared non-stopword. Shortest tweet length. Longest tweet length. Autogen hashtag?

Corpora Management Page

Tabular list of current corpora configured by the user, with the fields: corpus_name, total_words, total_sentences, and link to edit/deleted corpus.

At top of page, "add source" button and dropdown select for user-generated source or twitter account. If twitter is selected, a textbox with the "Twitter Screen Name" and an add button will appear.

Technical Components

  • Django and postgreSQL based back-end for managing user accounts, bot objects and source material corpora.
  • Python NLTK-based sentence, word, and N-gram tokenizing.
  • Uses tweepy Twitter API wrapper for posting bot tweets and seeding user based corpora
  • Front-end made with bootstrap css, javascript, ajax, jquery and jqueryUI.


Week 1

Creation and testing of basic algorithm, and create django Models for storing corpora. Start Django project and get database schema into place. Study into NLTK and markov chain bots. Configurable features will be brainstormed and built out from here. Getting started on this early will help me prioritize the rest of the project, and this tough and crucial functionality drives the rest of the project.

Week 2

Continue tweaking core bot functionality. Begin building out scaffolding for bot creation, corpora management, etc once Models and algorithms are in place

Week 3

Polish front end, work on user accounts management and continue adding algorithms. Probably wrestle with huge data storage and modeling problems.

Week 4

Add user features and continue to wrestle with storage and model issues

Models to Create:




Where source material is stored

time_added, added_by, is_public, body,


Includes POS tags for words

word, pos_tag, corpus_id


Word pairs with foreign key to originating Corpus and 'appears' counter var

word1, word2, appears, corpus_id


Word triplets with foreign key to originating Corpus

word1, word2, word3, appears, corpus_id


Word quadruplets with foreign key to originating Corpus

word1, word2, word3, word4, appears, corpus_id


NLTK parsed sentence tokens with foreign key to originating Corpus

sentence, corpus_id


Contains hashtags from a given corpus

hashtag, corpus_id


Collection of mashup algorithm, corpora, and twitter identity

user_id, twitter_handle, access_token, access_secret, post_freq, mashup_method_id


M2M table for selecting corpora to seed Bot instances

bot_id, corpus_id


Log of generated content. features type field for including tweets, API calls, etc

type, body, author (should probably be bot_id), mashup_method


Dependent model to Content with list of various content sources like twitter, REST api, console, etc



M2M linking corpora and the Content generated from them

content_id, corpus_id


Contains a list of the various combinatoric methods


Database Schema

database schema


Mashup Algorithms

Mouse Join - method used by Mouse Reeve on new facts bot uses nltk.pos_tag and pivots on verb tag.

Common clause pivot split sentences on tokens that set off dependent clasuses like "because," "but," "however," etc. Then join clauses from corpora at these elements.

Forced POS Madlib - Create archetypal sentence from one document and seed it with matching POS-tagged words drawn randomly from the included corpora

ParseyMcParseFace - Uses google's grammar parser to try to output grammatical sentences from randomly selected words.


  • /random/ - Generate tweet from randomly selected corpora using randomly selected method. Cites sources and method in JSON response

  • /bot/botname/ Give users a REST endpoint for generating on_demand content bots

##Future Features

  • Hashtag generator - Randomly select words that appear frequently in both corpora and mash them together, prepending a #
  • Wordcloud of some sort!
  • GraphQL API query language integration? This looks really cool and any excuse to learn about it would be great http://graphql.org/
  • Add google ngrams API as a "corpus" called interwebs
  • Investigate hidden markov models
  • Ipsum generator! People can generate their own ipsum from their twitter feeds
  • De-couple mashup from output generation.. that way all pieces can be randomly combined with low overhead, or mashup preview output can be created via AJAX on selecting

##Research Dump Good way to store NLTK tokens after parsing? Dataset module:


Maybe a custom model field in django?


parsing and storing n-grams wholesale might get out of hand? Could get a handle by only storing top X ngrams per corpus:


Free front end/admin theme for building admin panels:


django md5 hashing to store user creds in db

Bootstrap admin templates:


HTML 5 charts in JS
