
Make AWS CLI profile switch easy.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Make AWS CLI profile switch easy, while working with many accounts.

NB! aws-profile works only with Amazon AWSCLI (Python) package.

Java-based version is not supported (for now).

For more details, please refer to aws.amazon.com/cli

Note: script was tested only in Bash


Install AWS CLI Tools:

$ pip install awscli

Install aws-profile:

$ curl -sSL https://raw.github.com/jaymecd/aws-profile/master/install.sh | sh

Or via clone:

$ git clone https://github.com/jaymecd/aws-profile.git
$ cp aws-profile/aws-* /usr/local/bin

Update resource file

Add following lines to ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc file:

export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"

# Amazon AWS Service CLI
complete -C aws_completer aws
alias aws-profile="source aws-profile"
alias aws="aws-wrapper"

Note: alias for aws-profile is required for transparent work, otherwise its requires to call via source manually, cause there is now way to expose environment variables back to parent.

Setup config

Populate config ~/.aws/config with desired profiles (refer AWS manual):

[profile secret-project]

[profile test-user]

Overview profile

To list profiles, run command without arguments:

$ aws-profile

Output explained:

AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE  : default                   <-- Current profile
AWS_CONFIG_FILE      : /Users/nick/.aws/config   <-- Config file
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION   : ~                         <-- Default region, if set
AWS_DEFAULT_OUTPUT   : ~                         <-- Default output, if set

Configured profiles  : secret-project test-user  <-- Allowed profiles

Switch between profiles

To switch aws profile to secret-project, run command:

$ aws-profile secret-project

To reset back to default, run command:

$ aws-profile +

To switch aws profiles off, run command:

$ aws-profile -

Run AWS commands:

Since there is an alias for aws original call, nothing is changed, call it as usual:

$ aws ec2 describe-instances --output text

Which gives output like:

NB! Running AWS CLI Tools with secret-project profile.

274082975067	r-8bebfdc4	226008221399

P.S. console autocomplete still works like a charm. Try aws TABTAB

Bash PS1 prompt hint:

Update .profile or .bashrc with following code:

function __ps_aws() {
    [ $AWS_CONFIG_FILE ] && echo " (aws ${AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE:-default})"

export PS1="\u@\h:\w\$(__ps_aws) \$ "

And it will looks something like that:

nick@domain:~ (aws secret-project) $ _


P.P.S Patches are welcome