his is a python implementation of the LINEAR algorithm for extracting slitless spectroscopy from HST/WFC3-IR as developed by Ryan, R. E., Jr.; Casertano, S.; Pirzkal, N. 2018, PASP, 130, 4501. The LINEAR software was originally developed in IDL and C, but had several limitations that were remedied in the porting to Python.
For any questions or comments, please contact Russell Ryan.
pylinear is developed with python 3.7. I recommend installing this with STScI miniconda. Let me know if you have questions about this.
You will need to get the reference files from: my Box link. Unpack these files in separate directory and set the environment variable:
pip install . -r requirements.txt
The installation is now down entirely via pip.
Package | Purpose | install |
h5py | read/write HDF5 files | pip install h5py |
emcee | MCMC simulation toolkit | pip install emcee |
shapely | operations with shapes | pip install shapely |
fitsimage | basic operations on astronomical images with headers | clone from git |
polyclip | python class for polygon clipping | clone from git |
colorlog | logging class to use colors and stdout | clone from git |
Helpful Tip: Since pylinear outputs intermediate data prodcuts in HDF5 files, you might want a user-friendly interface to inspect an HDF5 file. I recommend HDFView, which is free to download (but you will need to register with HDFgroup).
- LINEAR publication: Ryan, Casertano, & Pirzkal (2018)
- IDL version regarding the implemention: Ryan, Casertano, & Pirzkal (2018)
If you find this code useful, then we kindly ask that you cite our work: Ryan, R. E., Jr.; Casertano, S.; Pirzkal, N. 2018, PASP, 130, 4501
I am trying to keep and collate frequently asked questions: FAQ in the docs. Have a look there; but if that doesn't help, then please email me: rryan@stsci.edu.