
Uses the maxmind country db only for light geoip lookup in Rails3

Primary LanguageRuby

Maxmind country lookup

Existing solutions

There are a few but they use the city/block tables and also seem to be mysql specific. As I don't want to try converting a bunch of Polygon code to postgres format I thought I'd just convert the fairly simple django geoip-redirect code.

Database setup

Grab this file: http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoIPCountryCSV.zip.

SQL for tables:

CREATE TABLE geoip_country (
    start_ip char(15) NOT NULL,
    end_ip char(15) NOT NULL,
    start_decimal bigint NOT NULL,
    end_decimal bigint NOT NULL,
    country_code varchar(2) NOT NULL,
    country_name varchar(120) NOT NULL

COPY geoip_country
    (start_ip, end_ip, start_decimal, end_decimal, country_code, country_name)
    FROM '/tmp/GeoIPCountryWhois.csv' DELIMITERS ',' CSV;

I should probably rake task all that!


In your application controller you can set it to fire as a filter using:

before_filter :geoip

And then adding to your controller:

def geoip
  @country_code = Geoip::Country.find_by_ip(request.remote_ip)

That geoip function will call prior to each request for that controller. That may or may not be what you want but is a quick example.