
python code for note identification via fft's

Primary LanguagePython

Note Identification of musical instruments via Spectral Analysis


This is an old hobby of mine from university. I'm trying to identify at least one note from a guitar solo over time from a recording. Using FFTs and spectral analysis I assume something is rougly possible. By using some knoweldge about "expected" frequencies and some statistics.

It's also a good way to learn pylab some more (matplotlib/numpy) and get used to using it for numerical work in combination with Sage. The idea/work that I did to remind myself of the interest in this is: http://goo.gl/RtWhn

Setup / Requirements

Use audiolab to read in ogg files to a numpy array. Then plot specgram.

http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/api/mlab_api.html#matplotlib.mlab.specgram http://www.ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp/members/david/softwares/audiolab/sphinx/index.html

The specgram plot will return a tuple consiting of "periodograms", the frequency bins and the time axis data for the plot. Within the lab session the individual PSDs can be plotted for example:

Good resources


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