
A Discord bot built with Discord.py to allow for users to submit validated LeetCode problems and compete for the highest ranking on the leaderboard in their Discord server!

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

LeetBoard Discord Bot - Compete with friends on completing LeetCode problems!

LeetBoard and its features has been completed migrated to Silvercord
LeetBoard is a Discord bot built with Discord.py to allow for users to submit validated LeetCode problems and compete for the highest ranking on the leaderboard in their Discord server!


[Coming Soon!]

Use Cases

  • Complete and submit LeetCode problems through friendly competition with friends or other Discord users
  • View the server leaderboard
  • Viewing personal statistics (🛠️ Work in progress)
  • Be alerted with the daily LeetCode problem (🛠️ Work in progress)


Currently does not utilize an online database, but will be changed soon.