
Content Security Policy helper and middleware

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Content Security Policy Builder

Content Security Policy (CSP) builder and middleware for Go.

This allows you to create CSP with Go and integrate with a web framework or net/http.

Supports CSP v3


$ go get -u github.com/jaynzr/csphandler

Simple Usage: Creating Static CSP String

import "github.com/jaynzr/cspbuilder"
import "fmt"

func main() {
    // Starter() creates policy with sensible defaults.
    // default-src 'none';base-uri 'self';script-src 'self';connect-src 'self';img-src 'self';style-src 'self';form-action 'self'
    // use cspbuilder.Policy{} or cspbuilder.New() to start with empty policy
    pol := cspbuilder.Starter()
	pol.UpgradeInsecureRequests = true

    // add script-src
	var d *cspbuilder.Directive = pol.New(cspbuilder.Script, "cdnjs.cloudflare.com", "cdn.jsdelivr.net")
	d.Hash(cspbuilder.SHA512, `doSomething()`)
	d.Add("www.google-analytics.com", cspbuilder.UnsafeInline, cspbuilder.Data)

    // add style-src
	d = pol.New(cspbuilder.Style)
	d.Add(cspbuilder.Self, cspbuilder.UnsafeInline, "cdnjs.cloudflare.com", "fonts.googleapis.com")

    // add img-src
	pol.New(cspbuilder.Img, cspbuilder.All)

    // add font-src
	pol.New(cspbuilder.Font, "fonts.googleapis.com", "fonts.gstatic.com")

    // add frame-ancestors

    // experimental csp v3 require-trusted-types-for
    pol.New(cspbuilder.RequireTrustedTypesFor, cspbuilder.TrustedScript)

	pol.ReportURI = "/_csp-report"


    // default-src 'none';script-src cdnjs.cloudflare.com cdn.jsdelivr.net 'sha512-NrS2FABurNzIW2yTKRxF8X+HMhJh29vd9syOLut1MW4Cd1JeGzZqughLzC+LQr0O8XFhCuR4zyjLgrTQct7jAA==' www.google-analytics.com 'unsafe-inline' data:;connect-src 'self';img-src *;form-action 'self';base-uri 'self';style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' cdnjs.cloudflare.com fonts.googleapis.com;font-src fonts.googleapis.com fonts.gstatic.com;frame-ancestors 'none';require-trusted-types-for 'script';upgrade-insecure-requests;report-uri /_csp-report

Using gin middleware

import "github.com/jaynzr/cspbuilder"
import "github.com/jaynzr/cspbuilder/csphandler/gincsp"

func main() {
	r := gin.Default()

    // Creates new policy
    pol := cspbuilder.Starter()
    // ... Configures policy

    // If policy directive requires nonce, it will be generated per request
    r.Use(gincsp.ContentSecurityPolicy(pol, false))

    r.GET("/", func(c *gin.Context) {
		script := "doSomething();"
        nonce := gincsp.Nonce(c)

        // calculate hash on dynamic script
        gincsp.Hash(c, cspbuilder.Script, cspbuilder.SHA512, script)

		c.String(http.StatusOK, `
        <script nonce="` + nonce + `">doAnother()</script>`)

Using with unrolled/secure middleware

you can use cspbuilder with secure middleware to create the CSP with optional nonce support.

import (


var myHandler = http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    nonce := secure.CSPNonce(r.Context())

    w.Write([]byte(`<script nonce="` + nonce + `">doSomething()</script>`))

func main() {
    // Creates a new policy
    pol := cspbuilder.New()

    var d *Directive = pol.New(cspbuilder.Script)
    // add unsafe-line, data:, strict-dynamic, nonce sources to script-src
	d.Add(cspbuilder.UnsafeInline, cspbuilder.Data, cspbuilder.Nonce, cspbuilder.StrictDynamic)

    // Builds policy

    secureMiddleware := secure.New(secure.Options{
        // ...
        ContentSecurityPolicy: pol.Compiled,

    app := secureMiddleware.Handler(myHandler)
    http.ListenAndServe("", app)


New directive is added to a policy by running func (pp *Policy) New(name string, sources ...string) *Directive method

var d *Directive = pol.New(...)

First parameter is the string name of the directive. Optional strings populate the directive sources. pol.New(cspbuilding.Style, "static.cdn.com", "*.example.com")

CSP v1, v2 and most of v3 directive names are defined as constants.

Experimental CSP v3 directives can be created

prefetch := pol.New("prefetch-src")

Directive Sources

Sources are added by running Add method. The Add(sources ...string) method appends arbituary string sources to the directive.


pol := cspbuilder.New()

// new script-src Directive, with unsafe-line, data:, strict-dynamic, nonce sources to script-src
var d *Directive = pol.New(cspbuilder.Script, cspbuilder.UnsafeInline, cspbuilder.Data, cspbuilder.Nonce)

// alternatively, you may append the string values using Fetch()
d.Add("cdn.example1.com", "example2.com", "'strict-dynamic'")

// pol.Compiled:
// script-src $NONCE 'unsafe-inline' data: cdn.example1.com example2.com 'strict-dynamic'

s := pol.WithNonce(&nonce)
// WithNonce returns csp string with randomly generated nonce each time it is called.
// script-src 'nonce-XaRmoXF4H4z7AyoqgiNMlw' 'unsafe-inline' data: cdn.example1.com example2.com '<keyword source>' 'strict-dynamic'


To compute and add script and style hashes, run func (d *Directive) Hash(ht hashType, source string). SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512 are supported.

import "github.com/jaynzr/cspbuilder"

var d *Directive = pol.New(cspbuilder.Script)
d.Hash(cspbuilder.SHA512, `doSomething()`)
// 'sha512-NrS2FABurNzIW2yTKRxF8X+HMhJh29vd9syOLut1MW4Cd1JeGzZqughLzC+LQr0O8XFhCuR4zyjLgrTQct7jAA=='

Usage with Nonce and Hashes

import "github.com/jaynzr/cspbuilder"
import "fmt"

func main() {
    var nonce string
    // start with blank policy
    pol := cspbuilder.New()

    // add script-src, with unsafe-line, data:, strict-dynamic, nonce sources to script-src
	var d *Directive = pol.New(cspbuilder.Script, cspbuilder.UnsafeInline, cspbuilder.Data, cspbuilder.Nonce, cspbuilder.StrictDynamic)


    // Placeholder value $NONCE is added to the policy.
    // script-src $NONCE 'strict-dynamic' 'unsafe-inline' data:

    // WithNonce() to generate random base64 encoded 128-bit string and return the complete CSP string
    s := pol.WithNonce(&nonce)
    // ZNi/o0jlM3cxswKPc+Gr7g
    // to use nonce in html/template, unescape with template.HTMLAttr(`nonce="`+nonce+`"`)

    // nonce is base64 encoded 128-bit rand string
    // script-src 'nonce-ZNi/o0jlM3cxswKPc+Gr7g' 'strict-dynamic' 'unsafe-inline' data:

Credits and References

Content Security Policy (CSP) Quick Reference Guide

go-csp-engine Unit test your CSP rules!

secure Secure is an HTTP middleware for Go that facilitates some quick security wins.

Mitigate cross-site scripting (XSS) with a strict Content Security Policy (CSP)

CSP Evaluator