Shrinkwrap is a method for packaging repostiories for deployment.
Deploying code can be difficult. Many people will pull code directly off their build servers, use a centralized coordinator (like a chef-server), or other more complex methods for deployment. shrinkwrap utilizes encryption to permit utilization of a CDN to rapidly deploy code bundles.
The ‘wrap’ command will do the following:
First, it will run rake or a command you specify to prepare your repository for shrink wrapping.
Second, it will create a tarball of your repository, encrypt it with a provided passphrase, and sign it with a provided gpg private key.
Third, it will upload the bundle to a public Rackspace Cloud Files CDN container. It should be trivial to add support later for any fog supported object store.
Note: Commands given below for ease of understanding. Likely implementation will be directly in ruby.
$ shrinkwrap wrap --name 'chefbundle' chef-repo/ -> $ rake pre_shrinkwrap -> # An example pre_shrinkwrap would run the following -> $ rake test -> $ rm -rf cookbooks/ -> $ berks vendor cookbooks/ -> $ tar czf chefbundle-${GIT_SHA1}.tar.gz -> $ gpg --batch -o chefbundle-${GIT_SHA1}.tar.bz2.gpg --sign chef-bundle-${BUNDLE_ID}.tar.gz -> Now using fog, we will upload this bundle to a public CDN container.
The unwrap command will do the following:
First, it will download the bundle from a provided CDN url.
Second, it will verify, decrypt, and extract the repository.
Third, it will execute the following command inside the bundle. Ensure it exists and is executable inside your bundle. When it is executed CWD will be the root of the unwrapped repository.
$ ./unwrap
$ shrinkwrap unwrap http://domain.tld/chefbundle.tar.gz.gpg /opt/chef-repo/ -> Download chefbundle -> Decrypt and verify chefbundle -> Extract chefbundle to /opt/chef-repo -> run: $ ./ -> chef-solo -c some-config.rb -j something.json
Ensure rvm or rbenv is setup. You should automatically use a gemset and proper ruby version due to .ruby-version and .ruby-gemset files.
Install dependencies via bundle:
$ bundle install
Commit the code to be released. Bump the version – either major, minor, or patch.
$ rake version:bump:major $ rake version:bump:minor $ rake version:bump:patch
Then perform the release.
$ rake release
Ask jayofdoom if you need access to push this gem to rubygems.