(Yet another random MiSTer utility script = YARMUS? LOL) MiSTer_get_optional_installers

This script is intended to gather "all" other (unofficial) MiSTer scripts and downloads them to you MiSTer in one go. It just downloads them (/Scripts/Installers/ and /#help folder) and wanted to be as unobtrusive as possible. Installing and using is up to you and your needs. It might be useful for freshly installed MiSTer's and populate them with content. It includes Help Files/Manuals, Ports, Tools/Utilities.

Put get_yarmus.sh in to your MiSTer Scripts folder.

Put the get_yarmus.sh script into your MiSTer Scripts folder (/media/fat/Scripts)
Put following lines at the end of your downloder.ini:
db_url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jayp76/MiSTer_get_optional_installers/master/get_yarmus.json'

Many thanks go to Locutus73, Retrodriven, theypsilon, bbond007, wizzomafizzo, Boogerman, Owlnonymous, EXL, flynnsbit, mrchrisster, Mellified, adreeve, nilp0inter, retrobrews, funkycochise and many more.

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