
Make simple calendar for jalaali calendars.

Primary LanguageHTML

Calendar-JS (version 0.0.3)

You can make simple calendar for jalali and able to choose years and months and a event emiter when user click on a day on the calander. It is free and opensource and please improve this library. You can use demo.

How to use

First you should call calendar-js script file.

<script src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jaypy-code/calendar-js/master/dist/bundle.js"></script>

In your codes you must make a variable and equils with new calendar class and say which element (Like calling in css).

const calender = new Calendar('YOUR-ELEMENT');
let options = { };
    // Do some things with result.

What is options?

You have many options and features to make a calendar; this is what is options:

    year: number,
    month: number, // 1-12
    on: {
        day: function(day=''){
            // On a day clicked and do some things with day.
        label: function(label){
            // On a label clicked and do some things with label.
    labels: {
        '1': 'First day of month',
        '2': { text: 'Second day of month', class: 'red', 'value': '_fj439ug1f1f3h183hr081h3' },
        '3': ['Third day of month', { text: 'New event', class: 'blue' }]

What is returned?

You can use returned values in .then function; this is what is returned:

    for: { 
        year: number,
        month: number,
        Month: string, 
        index: {
            first: number, // First day of a month in a week is sunday or monday or ..
            last: number // Last day of a month in a week is sunday or monday or ..
        weeks: number, // 4 or 5 or 6 weeks are in a month
        length: number // 29 or 30 or 31 days in a month
    today: { 
        year: number, 
        month: number, 
        Month: string,
        day: number
    martix: { 
        array: array[], // 2D array
        dom: [Object HTMLElements],
    labels: {}, // Object of labels in options


[6 Nov 2019] Set labels for days.

[5 Nov 2019] Make simple calendar-js for jalali.

[10 Dec 2020] Bug fixed



