
A website editor for lazy devs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

MonkeyPatch Content Management System

A content management system for lazy developers.

Live-edit your website inside Developer Tools, and changes are automagically synced to your Github repo.

Get Started

  • Create a Github repository and enable Github pages
  • Include monkeypatch.js in your HTML with something like <script src="monkeypatch.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
  • Grab a Personal Access Token on Github with repo access
  • Open your webpage on github-pages
  • Open up the developer console on your webpage and enter _mp.init()
  • You will be prompted for the following:
    • Enter your repo's URL (eg. "https://github.com/userOrOrg/repoName")
    • Enter your repo's branch name (defaults to main)
    • Enter the path of the HTML file in your repo (for example, index.html or docs/index.html)
    • Enter your Github Personal Access Token that has permission to save to your repo
    • This information will be kept in your localStorage. You can clear it out with _mp.clear()
  • Edit your webpage using Devtools and your changes will get synced to your repo!

Editing and Saving Notes

There are usually delays between saving changes and seeing them after refreshing the page. While you're editing, don't refresh the page. You can be assured that your changes are saving by watching the developer console.


All code lives in monkeypatch.js and has no dependencies.